



Pumpkin (tortoiseshell) is an energetic young female kitten who just had to say goodbye to her tabby sister Ruby, also pictured.

Beautiful Pumpkin is very playful and loves chasing toys and exploring, although she can still be quite shy with humans. She would be suited to a quiet, calm home where she can develop trust with their new owners and come out of her shell - no pun intended.

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Is this cat neutered? No

Is this cat part of a bonded pair? Yes

What is the colour of the cat? Tabby

What is the sex of the cat? Female

What is the cat date of birth? 03/21/2024

Is this an indoor only cat? No

Would this cat be suitable for a household with small children? No

Would this cat be suitable for a house with other cats? Unsure

Would this cat be suitable for a house with other pets? No

Does this cat have special needs? No